Welcome to frames and feeders

We are UK designers and manufacturers of plastic bee hive frames. All our plastic is new material, food grade safe and is produced in a certified food grade manufacturing plant here in the UK. We do not outsource our production to China. This way we are able to closely monitor and quality control all of our products and help grow the UK economy by keeping the production in country.

As a beekeeper myself I have come to realise that wooden bee hives and frames are both outdated, ROT quickly and wont stand the test of time when it comes to keeping bees. So I decided to put into production high quality low cost equipment for the bee keeping industry made proudly in the UK.

We are have now completed all of the tooling of the Brood, 14×12 tools and supers. We have produced stock ready to start shipping which is now available in our shop. We have several more products in the design stage which we will add to our range of frames in time.

Be sure to join our mailing list for offers in the future.

Happy Bee Keeping.