Frequently Asked Questions

We get asked a lot of questions about our frames so please see below some of the most common ones. If you have a question which isn’t listed please contact us to ask us.

Q: Why are your frames black.

A: We chose black as this will help show up the eggs in the cells very easily.

Q: Where do your frames get made.

A: All our frames are made in the UK just 20 miles from us so we can keep a close eye on quality.

Q: Are the frames made from new plastic.

A: Yes, the frames are made with virgin food grade safe plastic in a certified food safe production facility. we only use new material to ensure it is all food grade safe.

Q: You offer frames unwaxed, Do I need to wax them.

A: Our frames come unwaxed and with a block of wax to rub over the foundation area prior to adding to your hive. Some beekeepers prefer to use their own wax. We always recommend waxing them prior to installing them to help the bees draw comb as quickly as possible. Un waxed frames can take longer and in some cases get ignored completely.

Q: How long will the frames last.

A: We have faith that the frames will have at least a 10 year working life.

Q: Can I change the comb easily

A: Yes its actually easier to change the comb on our frames than a wooden one, as the “foundation sheet” is rigid you can use a paint scraper or your hive tool to scrape back the old comb and then let the bees rebuild comb off the foundation sheet.

Q: Can the frames be cleaned back to plastic removing all wax.

A: Yes, if you wish to get the frames back to as new plastic finish you can use boiling water to pour over the frames or submerge them in boiled water. The frames are made at 230 degrees C so can with stand boiling water. This will melt away all remaining wax.

Q: Can the frames be recycled.

A: Yes, the frames are 100% recyclable, and we print the material type and recycle triangle on every frame. The frames can be added to household recycling, or you can use our buy back scheme where we will buy back your old frames and turn them into new products.

Q: Are they as strong as wooden frames.

A: They are stronger than wooden and have been over engineered to be thicker and with extra support in the lugs for when the bees glue them into place. We have tested our lugs with a 25kg weight placed on the top edge of the frame and the lugs didn’t budge at all.

Q: Can the frames be used in a spinner.

A: Yes, as they are the same size as a wooden frame so they can be put into a spinner, the wax usually stays attached to the foundation better than a wooden frame and there is no chance of the frame having a blow out and exploding in the spinner. It can be taken out and placed straight back into the hive.